Roots Groups

Roots Groups is a rite of passage inspired program for boys and girls that focuses on developing emotional and social skills with positive mentor relationships.


Program Overview

Members are unplugged from their daily lives to engage in a two-year program that benefits the development of social skills, confidence, empathy, building meaning and personal connection. Members participate in activities that symbolize the journey through life by exploring the surrounding natural area, working cooperatively, expressing themselves, and discovering self interests.

  • Nature Exploration: Members hike and explore natural park areas to learn in an environment that limits the distractions of the outside world.
  • Personal Development: Our program channels youthful energy into learning how to work and play in a group dynamic, build meaningful friendships and receive support for life’s transitions.
  • Rites of Passage: The emphasis of the program gives space for introspection and reflection of personal experience, allowing the young men to take time alone and then discuss the integration of experiences back into their daily lives. We take our members on an overnight retreat 2x a year to fully immerse themselves in this unique experience.

Sample Session

Warm-up: Boys begin with an ice-breaker activity (15-20 minutes)

Introduction: Members discuss the central theme of the session (30-45 minutes)

Activity 1: Explore the surrounding area (45 minutes -1 hour)

Activity 2: Engage in troubleshooting and hands-on challenges (2-3 hours)

Activity 3: Explore the surrounding area (45 minutes – 1 hour)

Conclusion: Engage in meaningful dialogue in a circular council format (45 -55 minutes)

Download a copy of our Roots Groups – Lesson Plan.

Meeting and Camping Locations

China Camp | Tennessee Valley | Deer Park | Sam P. Taylor | Marin Headlands | Mt. Tam State Park | Olema Campground

Camping will happen in January and June from 5pm on Saturday – 9am on Sunday.

Current Rates & Schedule

Current rates are offered to groups of at least (6) participants. Prices are subject to increase for smaller group sizes. Roots to Branches will work with families on fees by offering payment plans and discounts on an as-needed basis.

  • Registration: $125 per month

Meetings are currently only offered on Saturdays or Sundays. We also provide overnight rite-of-passage retreats twice per year. Parents looking for meetings during the regular school week will need to coordinate with staff ahead of time.

If you are interested in our program, please Contact Us.